Workpackage 3

Education, training and dissemination actions

The third work package is devoted to Education, training and dissemination actions. This will be a very important task in NEARCTIS as it is a way of strengthening the links between the core group and the professional community. The activities of this WP will be strongly oriented to make NEARCTIS a world-class reference in its domain and to offer the most significant knowledge base in traffic management and cooperative systems field. Within this WP a specific task is dedicated to the management and relationships with Associate Partners. Indeed, to ensure an efficient spreading of excellence, the NEARCTIS NoE decided to set up a group of Associate Partners composed of:

  • The international academic community concerned with the research topics studied in the network
  • The professional community concerned with manufacturing and advising on technologies and systems for traffic management and co-operative systems: car manufacturers, traffic systems manufacturers, consultants, etc
  • The Traffic management authorities (local authorities, motorways operators, etc) 

The main contribution of Associate Partners will be their participation in thematic or application working groups in the networks. This contribution will have two consequences: 

  • To ensure the relevance of the activities performed within the Network
  • To enhance the dissemination and thus the impact of the results of the NoE


Beside these specific actions towards stakeholders through the association of partners outside the Network, there will be a particular emphasis on the training of young professionals, considering that enhanced skills will be needed in the coming years to exploit advanced traffic management opportunities to best effect.